Tibetan Treasures

Web design eCommerce home page layout



My Role

Web Design
Print Design
Graphic Design
Email Campaigns


Tibetan Treasures is a Buddhist eCommerce store that has been in business for over 30 years. When I joined the Tibetan Treasures team, our main focus was modernizing the store's online infrastructure. In order to accomplish this, we redesigned the website, rephotographed thousands of products, established a new logo and created brand guidelines.

Graphic design of web banner
Branding postcards of products
Branding business cards with logo
Branding postcards with logo design
Branding boxes with logo stamps
Branding boxes with logo stamps
Branding boxes with logo stamps
Branding tape on shipping box

Let's create

I approach each project as a source of collaboration to help others grow and reach their own goals. Let's work together — send me an email!

something great.

I approach each project as an opportunity to be of service — a source of collaboration to help others grow and reach their own goals. If you’re interested in working together, send me an email!